Tuesday, September 04, 2007

I Will Survive

so now i'm back... from outer space!

i came out of my self-imposed blogging hibernation to find things not as they were. the topics are gone. the band broke up. everyone is using facebook.

i could give an update as to my whereabouts and activities, but this would be long and tedious for me and you, gentle reader. all i can say is, if you'll have me, i'd like to return to the fold.

but do i have to join facebook? my next million dollar idea - i'd like to create a web community called "assbook" where one can join and "enemy" people. you can look up that bully from grade school, or the girl who stole your boyfriend in high school (no she di'int!), or the PE coach who called you lead butt o'brien. once you find them, you invite them to be your enemy, and you swap nasty comments.

it's just in the idea phase right now, but i think it's up there with b's Inside Magazine: For People Who Don't Like to Go Outside.


danielle said...

i want the topics to come back. i miss the topics.

once you let the kitties in they won't leave. it's like if you give a mouse a cookie, but if you give a pussy cream (okay maybe i went too far with that one...)

Allstarme79 said...

I think that'd be awesome; I'll join assbook.

Kara Beara said...

I too miss the topics. We should have never sent them back to live with their real family under the bridge.

KT said...

Yes. You have to join facebook.