Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Drool on the Pillow

v (not to be confused with b, or the old television program about reptilian aliens, or the movie with bald natalie portman, or this) has joined our blog ring and chosen this week's topic: guilty pleasures.

the first thing that comes to my mind is, of course, miller's cheese fries. but i don't actually feel guilty after i eat them. just happy. sometimes a little sick. i suppose the same goes for any food indulgence. i perhaps get a pang of "i shouldn't have eaten that" but rarely is this a guilty feeling. unless i stole the food from someone else, but i don't steal food. just rocks and lamps. sometimes pepper grinders.

i do however feel somewhat guilty after a nap. oh, i know, that isn't the forbidden fruit you were hoping for, but i love naps like linus loves his blanket, like edmund loves his turkish delight, like mr. krabbs loves money. sometimes i think i could sleep all day. for this, i feel guilty.

there are so many things to be done, so many responsibilities pulling me every which way, when i give myself an hour or two to indulge in a nap, i rise disoriented, frustrated that i have wasted time, and my list begins to weigh on my chest. things are dirty. children have homework. i have homework. things should be sent off for publication. today, i needed to go to the library but i instead raced home to grab an hour on my couch before i had to resume responsibilities. where is the alison winter book i desperately need? at the library. do i feel rested? not really.

in my defense, i don't sleep well at night. but lots of people don't sleep well at night. do they sprawl out on their office floor at the college of engineering while on the clock? keep a red squishy pillow on their office desk? drool all over b's couch? i can remember naptime in kindergarten when i was forced to lie down for half an hour on a cot but i never could sleep. how foolish i was to not appreciate the golden opportunities of my youth.

that was exhausting. i think i'm going to go lie down.

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