Friday, April 06, 2007

TDO has it all wrong...

on the front page of the democrat online is this article about a high speed chase and teenager pulled from a flaming car. this is not exactly accurate. how do i know? i saw it happen.

i was loitering outside my home last night and heard a strange noise - maybe a car accelerating. i walked towards the noise, then heard tires squealing, a loud male scream, heard a loud crash, then saw a car plow into the concrete electrical pole in my neighbor's backyard. next - an explosion.

i ran inside, got my phone and dialed 911 - i did not realize that tallahassee drive dead-ended behind my street so i told them i thought it might be clare drive. my neighbors came outside and we saw a crumpled up patrol car (it hit the pole) next to a crumpled up black mustang with a bald young man inside. the engine of the patrol car was on fire, not the mustang. the fire was put out by us with fire extinguishers before the fire dept. even got there.

i watched them pull the boy from his car - he was bloody and limp. my neighbor got his camcorder. the officer in the article indeed tended to the driver, but did not pull him out of the car - ems did, securing him on a board, a bloody oxygen mask over his face.

very weird. why was i outside when it actually happened? maybe i'll write about it someday.

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