Tuesday, April 03, 2007


since the week's theme has not expired yet, i have something new to add.

currently, i am sitting at my desk trying to read for my class at 12:30. danielle is conferencing, mya is writing, katie is loitering. a car alarm outside (a repetitive honk) has been going off for about twenty minutes now. sometimes it stops, and we sigh in relief, then it starts back up again. WTF?

we did make up a dance to the noise. we call it "honking the horn."

sarah has noticed that the po-po are on the scene. we are looking out the window, watching them helplessly inspect the car. one has left a note on the windshield on a torn out piece of notebook paper. it has now taken three police officers to realize that it is indeed a car alarm.

the owner has now gotten in his gray sedan - an uncrippled frat boy with a buzz cut. the po-po may have determined that he is indeed not handicapped. the po-po are now conferencing at their suv while the non-handicapped driver waits in his now silent car. the shorts-wearing po-po is on the cell phone.

they gave him back his license and confiscated his handicapped parking pass. this is so much more exciting than the moonstone.


KT said...

Sarah and I think the police should break the legs of people who park illegally in handicapped spaces. Then, they can park there legitimately.

Baby said...

yes. that's a perfect solution... as long as they break their car alarms as well.

do you remember Phranc? she was a weird solo guitar player/singer. she sang a song that went, "although it might be convenient, don't park in that handicapped... parking space."