Thursday, February 22, 2007

Let Them Eat Crap.

this is what the world says to members of the FSU english department.

every time i'm in pancheros i swear i'll never go again, but my memory gets fuzzy after about a month or two. so today i find myself crazy hungry at about 10:30, and becky and i go to get a snack... what are our choices? the sweet shop, southgate, boca, and pancheros. mmmm. oh, i forgot the wiener stand, which only takes cash.

i decide i will order at boca, continuing my boycott of pancheros because they charge for sour cream and will only sell you a bottled water (no free cup). bastards. anyway, i am looking in the cold case at the lovely chicken bacon ranch salads that have no time or date written on them, but instead a "v' or a "u." i ask the young man behind the counter, "what do the letters mean?" and he looks at me with glazed eyes and says, "uh, b is fresher than a." helpful.

i say, "but these have u and v on them." he then tells me that he's sick and can't think straight. as he moves to make a latte, i inspect the salads more closely. he then calls over, an afterthought, "the later letter is fresher." ah. this means "v." becky, who is only getting coffee, says, "looks like you should go with 'v'." i say, "looks like i should go with pancheros."

i ask the guy, "were any of them made today?" his reply? "I dunno."

i say, "well i think that's something you should know if you want my patronage." (or "matronage" as they like to point out at all saints). i say that like i was all up in his business, which would have been cool, but i really just said it under my breath to becky and an amused girl with strange piercings in line next to us. and then i figure, if they were made today, they were made by this guy who a) doesn't remember; and b) is ill.

needless to say, i chose the lesser of two evils, and paid over 8 bucks for a burrito and a coke, and that was with NO sour cream. it was mediocre at best, probably worse than that, but i was so hungry. and a little mad.

so, why do the business and science geeks get all the good food? the food court, einstein bagels, quiznos, and more? could i walk there? sure. should i have to? no way. I recently shared undercooked chicken fingers with mya at the sweet shop, so my choices are dwindling.

i guess i need to start bringing my lunch. or pursue a nursing degree.

1 comment:

Darla said...

i know a U with a circle around it means it's kosher... although doesn't sound like anything is kosher around that place.

obviously the V didn't mean vegan, with the chicken and bacon.... def. not. what about "very gross"? maybe that's what the V stood for? um... i found this too:

"a "D" on a product label next to the circled K or U indicates the presence of milk protein. these products should be avoided."

so make sure you avoid ANYTHING with a D on it.

in that case, avoid everything at these places, get you a cutie lunch box, and start packing it!