Sunday, February 11, 2007

Sucks to your Valentine's Day!

arbitrary. that's what holidays are.

just ordinary days with meaning ascribed by men. no one can seem to pinpoint which valentine's day myth is true, yet we scramble around looking for a gift, a date, something so we won't feel left out of the collective celebration. humbug.

what is the ratio of happy to sad people on this day? how many people have true love to celebrate, and if they do, why do they need a designated day? i think more people are either sad, lonely, or disappointed with their date because they only got one so they wouldn't be alone (the same is true for proms). it seems to me valentine's day is a marketing ploy to generate revenue for card shops, florists, restaurants, counselors, and pfizer. if you love love so much, why do you need somebody else tell you when to say so?

where is the holiday for broken hearts?

now i sound like hope.

1 comment:

KT said...

Last year I was waiting in line at Winn-Dixie on V-day, and this cashier said, "Excuse me--this is Lover's Lane. It's for Valentine's purchases only." I thought about claiming that I was in fact giving out a bunch of frozen chicken pot pies as presents, but instead I just got in the next, much longer line. It's a big conspiracy.