Wednesday, February 21, 2007


thanks to b, this week we have zits.

i should begin by saying that i hate the word zit and am not much fonder of pimple. i guess i would prefer a euphemism like blemish, but it doesn't sound right saying, i have this huge, ugly blemish on my forehead.

in a particularly disgusting episode of invader zim called "rise of the zitboy", zim develops a large zit on his face (after rubbing it with bacon grease... it's a long story). he is at first worried that this will impede his mission (to take over the earth) by making him socially unacceptable, but then makes peace with the pimple believing it has power. he draws a face on it, gives it a fake clothed body, and names it "pustulio."

perhaps invader zim is on to something. maybe if i made friends with my pimples, gave them names, personalities, and special powers, i would be able to exercise restraint from picking and popping and otherwise making things 18 times worse.

so i see you at the grocery store.

you say, "hi."

i say "hi." and then i say, "say hello to frederica the great here on my forehead. she was a chipmunk in a former life, is very good at math, and likes sunsets."

now you have a personal connection to my blemish and it does not gross you out. and i have a friend i can talk to, who can help me figure out the tip at restaurants. not only have i avoided using the word zit, but how could i ever pop or even complain about frederica the great?

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