Sunday, February 18, 2007

Reunited (and it tastes so good)

if you love something, set it free. if it comes back to you, it's yours. if it doesn't, it never was.

it has been a long time coming. i have driven down north monroe street and fought that ache in my chest, that longing as i pass the closed down dairy queen wondering if it will ever return to me. there had been rumors... but every blizzardless day has been like a thousand.

last night i had a voice mail from my good friend paul, of paul and barrington, informing me that indeed, the dairy queen on north monroe had reopened. my heart danced with joy, not for the buffalo chicken strips or chili dogs or double bacon cheesburgers or even the parfaits - it is the blizzard i love, specifically the butterfinger, and i can sit in the staples parking lot and throw back a medium in 3 minutes, 23 seconds. i have complained that there was not enough candy, too much candy, or that it was not well-blended leaving nothing but ice cream at the bottom. i have ordered a medium or large and not finished it. i have driven by, and opted for a mcdonald's milkshake instead. it wasn't until my love was taken away that i realized my foolishness... perhaps if i hadn't been so picky, so unfaithful, it never would have left. of course, there were the rumors of unhealthy kitchen practices (which makes me wonder about the extra chunks in my blizzard) but another cliche came to mind: don't know what you've got til it's gone. i put on my cinderella cassette tape and cried.

but, my love has returned. first chance i get, i will drive thru, sit in the staples parking lot with my red plastic spoon, free ice water, and pile of napkins, probably listening to delilah... reunited and it feels so good!


Darla said...

oooohhh... look at your pretty colors... i love it. ;-)

okay... when i lose my last five pounds, we'll celebrate at DQ - where, alas, i'll gain it right back with just one blizzard. i like the heath bar blizzard. in the words of rachael ray, yummo!! i haven't had one of those in years. or maybe that can be our treat for our post-tattoo pain. yeah??

have you ever heard of dairy king?? they used to have one of those in little old ozark alabama where my grandmother lived (and my sweet aunt who you love). they used to have real cherry cokes - coke with cherry syrup! hardcore!

i love ya.... had a great time tonight. we love your family....

Baby said...

oh my goodness. i love you too.

i think we'll need something a bit stronger post-tattoo. let's hurry up and do it already!

Sandra Simonds said...

Ok---this is off topic.

It was great having lunch with you today.

We should totally go on a run together..



Baby said...

yes, yes. i had fun. we need to get together more - hopefully i will see you tomorrow night.

and... i never got to tell you about my crazy dog.